• EASTER 2020

Welcome to Mud Creek Baptist Church Online.

Pictured above are the externals of our Church – the place of worship and fellowship, the grave sites of our ancestors and loved ones. These change with time and seasons. Our old building and grounds hold many fond memories for us, but they are not the “Church”. The true Church is the assembly of baptized believers across the world and throughout the ages; the physical “Body of Christ” on earth in this age. Mud Creek Baptist Church is a small Christian fellowship in a semi-rural area of western Jefferson County, Alabama. Our Church was established in 1837 because “In this wilderness area where there never had been much preaching, the people were desirous of the word”. It continues today to serve God and the community with Gospel preaching, traditional worship services, and a variety of ministries.

Mud Creek Baptist Church is open for worship as usual on Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM.

Time flies! our “new interim pastor” Bro. Mike, has now been with us over one year. And we thank him for his service. We have lost some people from our little church family, and gained some more, so the church continues.

Mud Creek Church, the building that is, is getting a face lift. see Menu.


Welcome to our new Interim Pastor, Brother Mike Stephens.

Thanks to Union Hill BC for their partnership over the past several months.

To find out more about today’s Church, visit the MCBC TODAY page on the menu.

For information about our history, visit the MCBC HISTORY page.

For information on Mud Creek’s historic cemeteries, visit theĀ  MCBC Cemeteries page.

For comments and personal recollections about the Church, visit the MCBC People page.

For contact and location information, visit the CONTACT page.

Thanks for visiting.