MCBC gets a facelift.
As seen in the photograph below, we have replaced the old rusted wrought iron posts with wooden posts. We think it is a great improvement. But we still have to replace the old railings with new, up to code, ones. In addition, we have a new wheelchair ramp, and new front steps on the fellowship hall. Something that doesn’t show is a great deal of electrical repairs and improvements. While much of this was done to maintain our, increasingly expensive, insurance it does improve the looks, functionality and safety of the church. But it all costs $ss and we are a small congregation, with a lot of work still to do.

The cemeteries also need a lot of work, most urgently we need to get rid of a dying tree that overhangs the cemetery and fellowship hall (see below). It will have to be taken down in sections and will be expensive. There are several other projects to be undertaken in the cemeteries also, including possible expansion for an urn garden or columbarium.
If interested in helping out with this work please contact me at (pardon how I have to do this address to thwart spammers) wkitchens, the @ sign, bham, dot, rr (as in road runner), dot com.

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